Τρίτη 24 Απριλίου 2012


Dear Indian friends!
It's time to say goodbye. This has been a very pleasant cooperation and we have a learned a lot about your country and traditions. Looking through your yearbook, I found a lot of ineresting things to read like imaginary short stories and ideas for recipes. It was also very exciting to see the work of a fellow students in your yearbook. We also have like a magazine, which is published in the of the year and it is called "Sunny Days". It has pictures taken during the activities we do all year long, articles, interviews, short stories. It kind of looks like your yearbook. Anyway, I am sure that there is no need to mention how jealous we are that you are now over with school. We still have three weeks and then exams. It was great working with you. Goodbye! Good luck with your exams and generally in your life! Enjoy your holiday!! 

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